Welcome to the
Parents Corner
"Two Schools
One Heart"
Here you will find all the information and updates you need to stay up-to-date with your child's education. We will keep you informed about upcoming workshops, meetings, and newsletters. You can also take a glance into the classroom to see what your child is up and find helpful reminders and resources. Thank you for being a part of our community!
About Our Payment Schedule
Tuition is due on Monday for cash paying parents.
Parents that receive subsidy co-payment is due monthly by the 5th of the month .
To visit the Harvest Children's Academy
It is mandatory that children are in uniform
Monday -Thursday. Friday is dress down day.
Click Here to visit the Harvest Children's Academy uniform page.
Coming Soon
Class Dojo Sign-Up
All parents must sign up for Class Dojo. This is a system we use to ensure you stay up to date with your child's academic progress, school events and closures, as well as communicate with your child's teacher. (Ask your child's teacher for the class join code to gain access)
Parent Handbook
Field Trips​
​​Some of the favorite events of the school year are field trips. Smiles abound as the students pick out their own pumpkins in the fall, squeals fill the air as the children see the animals at the farm, and the laughter rings out as the students investigate the fire truck and try on the firemen’s hats and coats. They also love when we visit local parks and have amazing adventures. These are just a few of their exciting ventures.
Here's a Look at What's Going On at HCA & MK?
Academic Achievements, Chapel Time, Holiday Shows, Plays, Graduation and more...
H&M News
Parent Meetings
Parents are required to attend bi-monthly parent meetings/workshops.
Parent Meetings
Why not consider joining our Parent Involvement Partnership Association (P.I.P.A)?
This organization will serve as a liason/advocate
between your child's school and you, the parent.
This organization will help raise funds for the school, host events, etc.
There is a $300 minimum fundraising contract per school year. Parents will be asked to participate in three fundraisers to be announced. Selling at minimum $100.
Parent Recruit and Review
Harvest Children's Academy appreciates and welcomes parents to recruit. If you think we are doing something good why not help us spread the word, and YES parents there are incentives for helping us expand and reach more children. Please ask our director or one of our site supervisors for more information.
Help us make Harvest better. Please feel free to leave us a review.
Donations (Click Here)
Thank you for considering a donation to support our mission of providing quality Christian education to our students. Your contribution will help us to enhance our facilities and provide the necessary resources for academic excellence. We appreciate your generosity and support towards our school.